Keeping up in the modern world requires you to maintain a fast pace, and can often lead to burnouts or stress illnesses if you don’t indulge in some self-care and reflection every now and again.
Do you know someone who needs a little zen and serenity in their lives? We have put together the very best meditation gifts to help you find inner peace.
Meditation Pyramid – Best Meditation Gifts (Editor’s Pick)
Pyramid meditation is also supposed to have healing properties. By practicing this technique, wounds, boils, and bruises are said to heal quicker, and you may experience weight loss and increase your resistance to diseases.
These beautiful copper meditation pyramids are made to scale following the exact dimensions of the pyramid of Giza for maximum magical meditation effect. We think this is a useful meditation gift that will help him or her relax.
Meditation Tuning Necklace
Lovetuner – Meditation Tuning Necklace
This calming device will help you to reduce stress, prevent burnout, strengthen your immune system, increase your lung volume, and improve your overall health and well-being.
Each whistle only has one tone- the so-called “Love Frequency”, and when played it will help your body to relax and will help to quiet the mind.
The truly great thing about this tuning necklace is that you can carry it with you at all times, so inner peace can now live in your pocket!
Crystal Meditation Bowl
These amazing quartz crystal singing bowls are excellent for meditation and sound healing. Each bowl has amazing, clear, deep, and rich vibrational resonance with special healing powers.
The energy of this chakra allows you to experience clear thought as well as gifts of spiritual contemplation and self-reflection. This is the perfect meditation gift for anyone looking for some deep resonance and clarity.
Meditation & Mindfulness Spiritual Geometry Tool
Meditation & Mindfulness Spiritual Sacred Geometry Tool
Each person’s subtle energy experience with the Powerform is unique. Some people feel the energy when holding the disks and others find a shift in their state of being.
Spend time with your disc and explore its properties of clearing negativity, shifting your awareness, filtering out noise on the psychic plain, opening the third eye, and expanding your spiritual consciousness.
n.o.w. Tone Therapy System
Solu – n.o.w. Tone Therapy System
These amazing toning devices will help you to create the perfect environment for a relaxing and calming meditation.
Take a break from your phone or computer by getting into a comfortable seat, switching the device on, closing your eyes, and removing all distractions and anxiety from your mind as you let thoughts drift by.
Inkless Meditation Drawing Board
BUddha Board Store – Inkless Meditation Drawing Board
Uncover your inner truth with this original Buddha Board. It is inspired by the Zen idea of living in the moment.
This painting set uses only water and a drawing board to let you create beautiful works of art that fade away as they dry.
Using a Buddha Board kit before or after your meditation sessions every day will help you practice mindfulness in your daily life.
Meditation Headset Device
MUSE S: The Brain Sensing Headband
Improve your meditation practice and sleep patterns with real-time feedback on your mind and body. Muse S monitors your mind, heart, body, and breath to give you instant information about your innermost workings.
Watch how meditation takes effect on you, and follow your journey of spiritual awakening with visual data.
Tibetan Singing Bowl and Journal Set
Tibetan Singing Bowl and Journal Set
This high-quality handcrafted meditation bowl is hand-hammered in the Himalayan Foothills by Nepalese artisans to be as unique as you are!
The sound of the bowl creates an ambience for emotional calming and healing. The set includes a wooden striker, a hand-sewn cushion, and a handmade, pocket-sized Lokta journal to capture your personal thoughts, prayers and mantras.
Zen Garden Kit
Island Falls Home Zen Garden Kit
Japanese Zen gardens emphasize the principles of naturalness (Shizen), simplicity (Kanso), and austerity (Koko). Trail your mini rake through the sane and watch as you create a trail of unique and beautiful patterns.
You will become totally absorbed in this calming and mindful practice, and your worries and distractions will gently fall away.
Orgonite Pendant
These totally stunning, handmade Orgonite pendants aid with Chakra Clearing. Each Chakra is represented by its own stone. Root Chakra – Red Jasper, Sacral Chakra – Carnelian, Solar Plexus Chakra – Yellow Aventurine, Heart Chakra – Green Aventurine, Throat Chakra – Turquoise, Third Eye Chakra – Lapis Lazuli, Crown Chakra – Amethyst.
Elevate to your highest self, become who you have always dreamed of becoming, and look great wearing this magical pendant while you do!